March 01, 2012

'I Found You"

'I Found You" is my poem that I wrote in the year 2000 which got included in a book of poetry called 
“The Silence Within”

In life, I believe in Reality,

In reality, I found you.

In you I found my Love

In that love I found Eternity.

I was waiting for a person

Who'll really love Me.

In reality I found You.

In you I found a Friend

Who'll be there till the End

In you I found my Wife

In you I found my Life.

In myself I found You

In you I found Myself

In life we must Sacrifice

I'll sacrifice myself for you

By sacrificing, I found Happiness

In happiness I found You.

Life is a Reality,

In Reality I FOUND YOU. . .

© 2000 - Rakshith Bharadwaj..

I sincerely request you not to mail this to anyone or to use it anywhere as it would be violation of copyright which I hold. Thank You.