March 01, 2012

'I Found You"

'I Found You" is my poem that I wrote in the year 2000 which got included in a book of poetry called 
“The Silence Within”

In life, I believe in Reality,

In reality, I found you.

In you I found my Love

In that love I found Eternity.

I was waiting for a person

Who'll really love Me.

In reality I found You.

In you I found a Friend

Who'll be there till the End

In you I found my Wife

In you I found my Life.

In myself I found You

In you I found Myself

In life we must Sacrifice

I'll sacrifice myself for you

By sacrificing, I found Happiness

In happiness I found You.

Life is a Reality,

In Reality I FOUND YOU. . .

© 2000 - Rakshith Bharadwaj..

I sincerely request you not to mail this to anyone or to use it anywhere as it would be violation of copyright which I hold. Thank You.


  1. :) nice.... can u help me get my copyright too...!! please...

  2. Thank you for the appreciation Kirthi.

    The only way I know of acquiring copyright for you write-up is when you or any publisher publishes your work. As they would cross check whether someone else holds the copyright to it or not. If there is any other way, kindly let me know.

    Sorry if am not of much help to you at this point in time.
